Jill Just Wants 2 Help Fund
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Fundraising goal $500.00
Recent donations (9 donations)
Name DescendingX Amount
Mr. Andrew Kelser $50.00
Mr. Anthony Selegean $25.00
Ms. Gretchen Bartlett $50.00
Mr. Ryan Mason $10.00
Mr. Mike & Katie Ballew $100.00
Recent donations
Top donors (9 donations)
Anonymous This amount includes donations indented below $130.00
   Mr. Mike & Katie Ballew    $100.00
Mr. Mike & Katie Ballew $100.00
Ms. Gretchen Bartlett $50.00
Mr. Andrew Kelser $50.00
Mr. Anthony Selegean $25.00
Rich McCloskey is running for Jill Just Wants 2 Help!

Rich McCloskey of Philadelphia, PA has selected Jill Just Wants 2 Help as his charity of choice for the Philadelphia Marathon! Rich recently completed the Rock n Roll Half Marathon in Philadelphia. Although he has only been running for three months, he has changed his work schedule and life to make time for running. He has been running 40-55 miles a week; waking up at 3am to be able to run before he goes into work.
In Memory of Jillian Siegel
Jill Just Wants 2 Help was created by the Siegel Family in memory of Jillian Siegel, who lost her battle with acute myeloid leukemia at the age of 20. JJW2H celebrates Jill's extraordinary spirit and lifelong devotion to making a difference.

Established in 2009, the organization's mission is to raise money for a dedicated endowment fund at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, with the goal of building a home that will provide shelter and support to families whose children are receiving care at the hospital. Until this home can be built, interest earned on the Fund serves a vital role in providing financial assistance to families trying to meet every day needs while caring for a child or young adult in the hospital.
Donation messages
Good luck, Richie ~ xo Dad + Gretchen --Ms. Gretchen Bartlett

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